We like to share our knowledge of draft horses

We offer a wide range of courses. When these courses will take place depends on the demand for them; when sufficient participants a course will be started.

Coachman certificate
You can pass your coachman certificate with us. This course exists out of various lessons theory and practicing the Achenbach system on the one-in-hand appliance. After that the learning in practice will take place. The number of lessons is 15 at the least, but also extra practical lessons can be arranged if necessary. The course will end by a theoretical and practical exam. This will be arranged by Stal Brooijmans; the practical exam will be examined by officials. Stal Brooijmans is also offering this course to MBO educations that offer horse keeping in their educational programm. We are happy to supply you with more information and prices (see contact).



One-in-hand and managing
Stal Brooijmans regularly organises the day course ‘one-in-hand and managing’, a quest for the similarities and differences between riding draft horses one-in-hand and the role of the manager in business. A special day full of learning and pleasure, but of course also with interesting learning points, a new perspective on teamwork and an acquaintance with the wonderful character of draft horses.

Stal Brooijmans regularly organises lectures on draft horses with subjects like feeding, general care, anatomy, hoof care a.o. This is also possible in your company, riding school or school Please contact us for more information.

Company visits
It is also possible to visit our company with a group (of students). We can provide you with a professional tour on our premises, we can explain the saddling of the horses, we can take a tour in the surroundings, all depending on what you wishes would be.


Grooming courses

Stal Brooijmans organises a grooming course for draft horse lovers, possibly in cooperation with the KVTH, Koninklijke Vereniging het Trekpaard en de Haflinger. In a couple of evenings subjects like anatomy and feeding, the care of your horse, weaving manes and tail, grooming material and way of working will be explained. The course is finished with an exam, where a professional jury will judge your theoretical knowledge and your practical grooming work.